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Quantify the actions that differentiate top sales reps from the less productive

Identifying the actions that separate top performers from the rest can help managers refocus sales efforts and simultaneously identify skills that need upgrading. Irrespective of whatever business you’re in and no matter which metric you use, the top 30 percent of reps will outperform the… Read More »Quantify the actions that differentiate top sales reps from the less productive

Use ML to enable and prioritise what matters for each sales rep

Effective sales operations focus on concentrating reps’ time and attention on the handful of metrics that disproportionately matter – the size of the pipeline, conversion rate, and incentives consistent with the company’s overall sales vision. Embedding weekly routines and daily expectations of activities reinforces the… Read More »Use ML to enable and prioritise what matters for each sales rep

Unlock new sales opportunities

Many sales organisations face significant challenges in guiding teams dispersed across large territories. This limits the ability of sales reps to access valuable customer insights, share best practices, and expedite sales processes that can make a meaningful difference to their bookings. When cultivating new customers,… Read More »Unlock new sales opportunities